Band Number: 12 File = /rarray/calibrat/MASTER/srf/Nov_07/msr1107a.c## Scanner = MASTER-50 Calibration Method = Monochrometer Date of Calibration = Nov 2007 Place of Measurement = Ames Research Center Point of Contact =, Version = 1.0 COMMENTS = The atmospheric absorpsion features in the path length of the lab measured SRF curves have been removed and the resulting curves have been smoothed at ARC. ****************************************************** 1.4016 0.00000 1.4036 0.00000 1.4056 0.00000 1.4076 0.00000 1.4096 0.00116 1.4116 0.00116 1.4136 0.00127 1.4156 0.00127 1.4176 0.00127 1.4196 0.00133 1.4216 0.00142 1.4236 0.00142 1.4256 0.00142 1.4276 0.00142 1.4296 0.00142 1.4316 0.00146 1.4336 0.00146 1.4356 0.00149 1.4376 0.00152 1.4396 0.00153 1.4416 0.00159 1.4436 0.00167 1.4456 0.00174 1.4476 0.00185 1.4496 0.00187 1.4516 0.00194 1.4536 0.00195 1.4556 0.00202 1.4576 0.00216 1.4596 0.00239 1.4616 0.00266 1.4636 0.00290 1.4656 0.00306 1.4676 0.00327 1.4696 0.00336 1.4716 0.00353 1.4736 0.00372 1.4756 0.00400 1.4776 0.00430 1.4796 0.00464 1.4816 0.00500 1.4836 0.00543 1.4856 0.00577 1.4876 0.00613 1.4896 0.00656 1.4916 0.00698 1.4936 0.00741 1.4956 0.00796 1.4976 0.00851 1.4996 0.00910 1.5016 0.00964 1.5036 0.01008 1.5056 0.01060 1.5076 0.01110 1.5096 0.01155 1.5116 0.01205 1.5136 0.01265 1.5156 0.01325 1.5176 0.01389 1.5196 0.01447 1.5216 0.01521 1.5236 0.01592 1.5256 0.01664 1.5276 0.01744 1.5296 0.01846 1.5316 0.01948 1.5336 0.02063 1.5356 0.02180 1.5376 0.02308 1.5396 0.02445 1.5416 0.02597 1.5436 0.02774 1.5456 0.02972 1.5476 0.03168 1.5496 0.03417 1.5516 0.03879 1.5536 0.04698 1.5556 0.05942 1.5576 0.07677 1.5596 0.09968 1.5616 0.12846 1.5636 0.16280 1.5656 0.20218 1.5676 0.24535 1.5696 0.29013 1.5716 0.33513 1.5736 0.38049 1.5756 0.42747 1.5776 0.47762 1.5796 0.53082 1.5816 0.58647 1.5836 0.64291 1.5856 0.69888 1.5876 0.75352 1.5896 0.80629 1.5916 0.85520 1.5936 0.89692 1.5956 0.92915 1.5976 0.95141 1.5996 0.96550 1.6016 0.97412 1.6036 0.98089 1.6056 0.98760 1.6076 0.99438 1.6096 0.99928 1.6116 1.00000 1.6136 0.99552 1.6156 0.98504 1.6176 0.96913 1.6196 0.94904 1.6216 0.92419 1.6236 0.89457 1.6256 0.85930 1.6276 0.81775 1.6296 0.77144 1.6316 0.72074 1.6336 0.66671 1.6356 0.60883 1.6376 0.54661 1.6396 0.47971 1.6416 0.40965 1.6436 0.33845 1.6456 0.27047 1.6476 0.21053 1.6496 0.16154 1.6516 0.12334 1.6536 0.09477 1.6556 0.07319 1.6576 0.05688 1.6596 0.04350 1.6616 0.03301 1.6636 0.02600 1.6656 0.02221 1.6676 0.02037 1.6696 0.01929 1.6716 0.01803 1.6736 0.01678 1.6756 0.01562 1.6776 0.01466 1.6796 0.01381 1.6816 0.01302 1.6836 0.01235 1.6856 0.01170 1.6876 0.01106 1.6896 0.01043 1.6916 0.00987 1.6936 0.00944 1.6956 0.00898 1.6976 0.00855 1.6996 0.00815 1.7016 0.00766 1.7036 0.00717 1.7056 0.00671 1.7076 0.00633 1.7096 0.00600 1.7116 0.00568 1.7136 0.00544 1.7156 0.00520 1.7176 0.00496 1.7196 0.00480 1.7216 0.00459 1.7236 0.00443 1.7256 0.00420 1.7276 0.00401 1.7296 0.00386 1.7316 0.00366 1.7336 0.00349 1.7356 0.00335 1.7376 0.00310 1.7396 0.00298 1.7416 0.00280 1.7436 0.00268 1.7456 0.00268 1.7476 0.00259 1.7496 0.00249 1.7516 0.00241 1.7536 0.00230 1.7556 0.00221 1.7576 0.00214 1.7596 0.00214 1.7616 0.00214 1.7636 0.00214 1.7656 0.00213 1.7676 0.00210 1.7696 0.00208 1.7716 0.00199 1.7736 0.00197 1.7756 0.00197 1.7776 0.00197 1.7796 0.00197 1.7816 0.00197 1.7836 0.00197 1.7856 0.00197 1.7876 0.00197 1.7896 0.00197 1.7916 0.00197 1.7936 0.00195 1.7956 0.00000 1.7976 0.00000 1.7996 0.00000 1.8016 0.00000