Band Number: 11 File = /rarray/calibrat/MAS/srf/Mar_03/msr0303a.c## Scanner = MAS-50 Calibration Method = Monochrometer Date of calibration measurement = March 2003 Place of measurement = Ames Research Center Point of Contact = Version = 1.0 COMMENTS = Atmospherically corrected and smoothed at ARC **************************************************************** 1.5515 0.00000 1.5535 0.00000 1.5555 0.00000 1.5575 0.00000 1.5595 0.00000 1.5615 0.00000 1.5635 0.00258 1.5655 0.00279 1.5675 0.00284 1.5695 0.00280 1.5715 0.00289 1.5735 0.00299 1.5755 0.00309 1.5775 0.00314 1.5795 0.00322 1.5815 0.00330 1.5835 0.00338 1.5855 0.00338 1.5875 0.00342 1.5895 0.00358 1.5915 0.00371 1.5935 0.00394 1.5955 0.00420 1.5975 0.00454 1.5995 0.00482 1.6015 0.00516 1.6035 0.00559 1.6055 0.00599 1.6075 0.00630 1.6095 0.00664 1.6115 0.00692 1.6135 0.00684 1.6155 0.00650 1.6175 0.00632 1.6195 0.00660 1.6215 0.00834 1.6235 0.01215 1.6255 0.01934 1.6275 0.03065 1.6295 0.04676 1.6315 0.06784 1.6335 0.09385 1.6355 0.12436 1.6375 0.15913 1.6395 0.19861 1.6415 0.24255 1.6435 0.29021 1.6455 0.34072 1.6475 0.39184 1.6495 0.44264 1.6515 0.49230 1.6535 0.54064 1.6555 0.58819 1.6575 0.63605 1.6595 0.68517 1.6615 0.73579 1.6635 0.78715 1.6655 0.83817 1.6675 0.88584 1.6695 0.92825 1.6715 0.96202 1.6735 0.98563 1.6755 0.99827 1.6775 1.00000 1.6795 0.99143 1.6815 0.97462 1.6835 0.95065 1.6855 0.92020 1.6875 0.88355 1.6895 0.84108 1.6915 0.79285 1.6935 0.74116 1.6955 0.68720 1.6975 0.63313 1.6995 0.57999 1.7015 0.52845 1.7035 0.47770 1.7055 0.42801 1.7075 0.37821 1.7095 0.32722 1.7115 0.27425 1.7135 0.21996 1.7155 0.16736 1.7175 0.11942 1.7195 0.07889 1.7215 0.04767 1.7235 0.02620 1.7255 0.01385 1.7275 0.00841 1.7295 0.00781 1.7315 0.00938 1.7335 0.01096 1.7355 0.01131 1.7375 0.01100 1.7395 0.01057 1.7415 0.01008 1.7435 0.00960 1.7455 0.00918 1.7475 0.00885 1.7495 0.00855 1.7515 0.00818 1.7535 0.00791 1.7555 0.00759 1.7575 0.00737 1.7595 0.00710 1.7615 0.00699 1.7635 0.00675 1.7655 0.00657 1.7675 0.00625 1.7695 0.00591 1.7715 0.00556 1.7735 0.00527 1.7755 0.00492 1.7775 0.00463 1.7795 0.00435 1.7815 0.00419 1.7835 0.00410 1.7855 0.00411 1.7875 0.00411 1.7895 0.00413 1.7915 0.00403 1.7935 0.00390 1.7955 0.00375 1.7975 0.00360 1.7995 0.00348 1.8015 0.00337 1.8035 0.00331 1.8055 0.00346 1.8075 0.00346 1.8095 0.00337 1.8115 0.00326 1.8135 0.00306 1.8155 0.00282 1.8175 0.00256 1.8195 0.00236 1.8215 0.00209 1.8235 0.00187 1.8255 0.00172 1.8275 0.00172 1.8295 0.00189 1.8315 0.00199 1.8335 0.00202 1.8355 0.00211 1.8375 0.00213 1.8395 0.00208 1.8415 0.00000 1.8435 0.00000 1.8455 0.00000 1.8475 0.00000 1.8495 0.00000 1.8515 0.00000