Flight #96-162

Sample Image
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20 August 1996
Track #04
scanlines 500-4989 of 4989

The flightline begins in the scattered clouds over the Drews Reservoir, Fremont National Forest, Oregon. Proceeds approximately south over the Clear LakeNational Wildlife Refuge. Ends over the Whitehorse Flat Reservoir, Modoc National Forest.

R: 2.15 microns
G: 1.65 microns
B: 0.55 microns
Mission Summary
Date: Aug 20, 1996
ER-2 Flight Number: 96-162
Deployment: Spokane-Aug96
Flight Location: Ferry: Sopkan, Washington to Moffett Field
Principal Investigator: Dr. Susan Ustin (UCD)
Additional Sensors: Dual 12" RC-10 (CIR, BW), AVIRIS
Objective: Data used to better understand biospheric-atmospheric interactions.

Level-1B Processing Information
Level-1B Data processed by: Ames Research Center
Level-1B Data Version: #09
Level-1B Configuration: (sample file)
Calibration Type: Final
Calibration Version: 1.0
Temperature Adjustment: No
Status: Completed with final calibration

Flight Track Map

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Level-1B Browse Imagery
Straight Line Flight Tracks: 10
Scanlines Processed: 34372
Solar Azimuth and Zenith Angles
Browse Images
Click on the Flight Track number to load images.
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels.
1 18:10-18:24 207 46.79-45.49 118.18-118.93 4998 ~20000
2 18:24-18:37 202 45.48-44.09 118.94-119.69 4998 ~20000
3 18:37-18:52 201 44.08-42.53 119.70-120.50 5539 ~20000
4 18:52-19:06 213 42.48-41.22 120.53-121.58 4989 ~20000
5 19:06-19:13 211 41.22-40.55 121.58-122.11 2595 ~20000
6 19:13-19:14 213 40.54-40.46 122.12-122.19 330 ~20000
7 19:15-19:19 201 40.35-39.93 122.27-122.47 1464 ~20000
8 19:19-19:31 199 39.92-38.55 122.47-123.11 4742 ~20000
9 19:32-19:34 181 38.50-38.22 123.12-123.13 896 ~20000
10 19:35-19:45 135 38.13-37.29 123.08-122.09 3821 ~20000
Images 01 through 10 in sequence

Data Evalutation
Some scanline jumps early in flight, otherwise data appears nominal.

Spectral Summary
Spectral Band Configuration (preliminary)
Spectral Response Files (preliminary)

Level-1B Data Distribution
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center DAAC

Related Web Sites
Airborne Sensors Facility Page
NASA ER-2 Aircraft Program
