38 eMAS Configuration for 16-956 16 Sep 2016 South Atlantic Ocean 01 01 16 0 0.073965 0.0000 0.449 0.468 0.490 0.100 2073.85 02 02 16 0 0.070378 0.0000 0.531 0.552 0.575 0.100 1868.79 03 03 16 0 0.041402 0.0000 0.632 0.654 0.684 0.100 1575.23 04 04 16 0 0.052595 0.0000 0.684 0.706 0.726 0.100 1431.38 05 05 16 0 0.040126 0.0000 0.725 0.746 0.767 0.100 1293.81 06 06 16 0 0.032495 0.0000 0.805 0.828 0.848 0.100 1064.05 07 07 16 0 0.047394 0.0000 0.847 0.868 0.889 0.100 977.09 08 08 16 0 0.033464 0.0000 0.888 0.908 0.929 0.100 926.18 09 09 16 0 0.017955 0.0000 0.928 0.948 0.969 0.100 849.62 10 10 16 0 0.019736 0.0000 1.591 1.620 1.646 0.010 242.73 11 11 16 0 0.017938 0.0000 1.648 1.674 1.701 0.010 225.55 12 12 16 0 0.016502 0.0000 1.702 1.728 1.753 0.010 198.68 13 13 16 0 0.016094 0.0000 1.755 1.780 1.805 0.010 175.32 14 14 16 0 0.016328 0.0000 1.808 1.834 1.857 0.010 155.53 15 15 16 0 0.015743 0.0000 1.860 1.882 1.909 0.010 138.31 16 16 16 0 0.014133 0.0000 1.911 1.936 1.960 0.010 130.87 17 17 16 0 0.013566 0.0000 1.960 1.984 2.009 0.010 122.37 18 18 16 0 0.013886 0.0000 2.011 2.036 2.061 0.010 108.38 19 19 16 0 0.013595 0.0000 2.062 2.084 2.109 0.010 96.51 20 20 16 0 0.014356 0.0000 2.111 2.134 2.158 0.010 86.56 21 21 16 0 0.016245 0.0000 2.160 2.182 2.207 0.010 76.82 22 22 16 0 0.019378 0.0000 2.208 2.232 2.256 0.010 72.44 23 23 16 0 0.022328 0.0000 2.259 2.282 2.306 0.010 67.02 24 24 16 0 0.022659 0.0000 2.309 2.332 2.357 0.010 58.59 25 25 16 0 0.023965 0.0000 2.358 2.380 2.405 0.010 58.40 26 00 16 1 0.958826 0.0000 3.642 3.715 3.821 0.001 11.17 27 00 16 1 0.967367 0.0000 6.564 6.700 6.800 0.001 1.20 28 00 16 1 0.970130 0.0000 7.142 7.250 7.417 0.001 0.86 29 00 16 1 0.969960 0.0000 8.095 8.230 8.362 0.001 0.52 30 00 16 1 0.969676 0.0000 8.381 8.525 8.653 0.001 0.46 31 00 16 1 0.944998 0.0000 9.577 9.710 9.841 0.001 0.27 32 00 16 1 0.952723 0.0000 10.042 10.180 10.299 0.001 0.23 33 00 16 1 0.954986 0.0000 10.865 11.000 11.140 0.001 0.17 34 00 16 1 0.960020 0.0000 11.870 12.005 12.120 0.001 0.11 35 00 16 1 0.957150 0.0000 12.447 12.580 12.700 0.001 0.10 36 00 16 1 0.957078 0.0000 13.201 13.330 13.453 0.001 0.08 37 00 16 1 0.957958 0.0000 13.480 13.620 13.746 0.001 0.07 38 00 16 1 0.958529 0.0000 13.790 13.920 14.031 0.001 0.06 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | =(!) | | | | | | | | | =-Scale Factor | | | | | | | | =- Right 50% spectral response | | | | | | | =-Peak 100% spectral response (microns) | | | | | | =-Left 50% spectral response (microns) | | | | | =-Calibration intercept (only used for visible bands) | | | | =--------Calibration slope (only used for visible bands 1-25) | | | | Blackbody emmissivity (only used for IR bands 26-38) | | | =----------0 => visible band, 1 => thermal infrared band" | | =-------------Number of bits in this channel (8 or 16) | =----------------Spectral band assigned to this channel =------------------------- Channel number (!) Sensor weighted solar spectral irradiance (Watts/meter2/micron) at mean Earth-Sun distance NOTE: Factor in column 10 is used to scale radiances in calibrated data by the following method: value_stored = int( radiance / factor ) for each channel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Title Enhanced MODIS Airborne Simulator(eMAS) Level-1B Data Sensor_ID_Code EM 177 eMAS ExperimentName ORACLES CampaignName ORACLES AircraftPlatform NASA ER2 (809) NavFormatCode POS (C-3) LocationCode Global Pos (GPS) AltitudeCode Global Pos (GPS) CalibrationVersion Version 4.0 Calibration CalibrationName ORACLES_110616_0317_csaf SRF_Dataset /calibration/calibrat/eMAS/srf/Mar_17/ SRF_FTP ftp://asapdata.arc.nasa.gov/mas/srf/Mar_17/ NavDataSource Applanix POSAV 510 NavDataPath /archive/nav/2016/er2/bet091616 TbackBand 273.15 GranuleVersion 1.0 MetadataVersion 1.0 GeoLocationProcess Standard FlightComment COB Not Powered, no MW or LWIR response ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Conversion from counts to radiance in VIS and NIR channels is rad = (count - (cbb_avg)) * slope where, rad = radiance cbb_avg = cold black body counts (running average) slope = from column 7 in above table count = count value ******************************************************* IR Emissivity Correction (from MAS-50{adopted for eMAS}) >From Chris Moeller (UWisc) and Simon Hook (JPL) ******************************************************* This is done in 2 steps: 1. Get the Channel 33 scan head count and convert it to a brightness temperature using UWisc subroutine TEMBCK.F (from Liam Gumley (UWisc)) 2. Use the scanhead temperature and the cold and warm black body counts/temperatures for computing the corrected slope and intercept for all IR bands. Blackbody Emissivity Coefficients Hemispherical Reflectance (JPL) 8/12 Convolved with eMAS SRFs (ARC) 7/13 Aeroglaze Z306 Paint Values in the form Wavelength, Emissivity ******************************************************* *******************************************************