50 MAS Configuration for 01-061 16 Apr 2001 TERRA-pass, Day Flt. 01 01 16 0 0.041539 0.0000 0.452 0.472 0.493 0.100 1981.92 02 02 16 0 0.041519 0.0000 0.534 0.554 0.577 0.100 1857.88 03 03 16 0 0.027016 0.0000 0.635 0.658 0.689 0.100 1549.55 04 04 16 0 0.032373 0.0000 0.687 0.708 0.731 0.100 1386.41 05 05 16 0 0.025358 0.0000 0.729 0.750 0.773 0.100 1260.07 06 06 16 0 0.027989 0.0000 0.810 0.830 0.855 0.100 1053.65 07 07 16 0 0.029058 0.0000 0.853 0.874 0.895 0.100 962.82 08 08 16 0 0.023925 0.0000 0.893 0.912 0.934 0.100 869.28 09 09 16 0 0.026133 0.0000 0.933 0.954 0.974 0.100 784.92 10 10 16 0 0.004792 0.0000 1.574 1.600 1.628 0.100 248.15 11 11 16 0 0.017463 0.0000 1.630 1.656 1.683 0.010 231.67 12 12 16 0 0.004022 0.0000 1.686 1.710 1.737 0.010 207.40 13 13 16 0 0.003871 0.0000 1.739 1.764 1.789 0.010 181.39 14 14 16 0 0.003756 0.0000 1.793 1.818 1.843 0.010 161.15 15 15 16 0 0.003574 0.0000 1.843 1.868 1.894 0.010 142.53 16 16 16 0 0.003507 0.0000 1.894 1.920 1.944 0.100 133.74 17 17 16 0 0.003334 0.0000 1.944 1.970 1.994 0.010 124.87 18 18 16 0 0.003213 0.0000 1.994 2.020 2.045 0.010 113.09 19 19 16 0 0.003096 0.0000 2.046 2.070 2.095 0.010 101.01 20 20 16 0 0.003161 0.0000 2.095 2.120 2.145 0.010 89.27 21 21 16 0 0.013304 0.0000 2.144 2.168 2.193 0.010 78.75 22 22 16 0 0.003695 0.0000 2.193 2.218 2.243 0.010 74.12 23 23 16 0 0.003881 0.0000 2.243 2.268 2.293 0.010 70.15 24 24 16 0 0.003889 0.0000 2.294 2.318 2.342 0.010 59.75 25 25 16 0 0.003856 0.0000 2.343 2.368 2.392 0.010 59.34 26 26 16 1 0.962000 0.0000 3.033 3.110 3.185 0.001 21.87 27 27 16 1 0.961000 0.0000 3.188 3.265 3.336 0.001 18.76 28 28 16 1 0.965000 0.0000 3.331 3.400 3.489 0.001 16.24 29 29 16 1 0.960000 0.0000 3.491 3.565 3.642 0.001 13.88 30 30 16 1 0.957000 0.0000 3.648 3.725 3.785 0.001 12.09 31 31 16 1 0.956000 0.0000 3.780 3.870 3.947 0.001 10.56 32 32 16 1 0.956000 0.0000 3.955 4.030 4.103 0.001 9.26 33 33 16 1 0.956000 0.0000 4.118 4.190 4.271 0.001 7.88 34 34 16 1 0.956000 0.0000 4.258 4.330 4.411 0.001 6.90 35 35 16 1 0.955000 0.0000 4.417 4.490 4.561 0.001 5.99 36 36 16 1 0.955000 0.0000 4.560 4.640 4.708 0.001 5.18 37 37 16 1 0.955000 0.0000 4.720 4.795 4.868 0.001 4.50 38 38 16 1 0.955000 0.0000 4.867 4.945 5.010 0.001 3.98 39 39 16 1 0.955000 0.0000 5.000 5.110 5.180 0.001 3.54 40 40 16 1 0.955000 0.0000 5.159 5.240 5.300 0.001 3.16 41 41 16 1 0.956000 0.0000 5.287 5.325 5.366 0.001 2.92 42 42 16 1 0.968000 0.0000 8.295 8.554 8.706 0.010 0.46 43 43 16 1 0.964000 0.0000 9.426 9.645 9.882 0.010 0.28 44 44 16 1 0.967000 0.0000 10.230 10.474 10.691 0.010 0.20 45 45 16 1 0.966000 0.0000 10.712 10.963 11.186 0.010 0.17 46 46 16 1 0.965000 0.0000 11.732 11.984 12.202 0.010 0.12 47 47 16 1 0.968000 0.0000 12.634 12.823 13.044 0.010 0.09 48 48 16 1 0.969000 0.0000 12.995 13.264 13.469 0.010 0.08 49 49 16 1 0.966000 0.0000 13.505 13.793 14.059 0.010 0.07 50 50 16 1 0.967000 0.0000 14.022 14.243 14.454 0.010 0.06 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | =(!) | | | | | | | | | =-Scale Factor | | | | | | | | =- Right 50% spectral response | | | | | | | =-Peak 100% spectral response (microns) | | | | | | =-Left 50% spectral response (microns) | | | | | =-Calibration intercept (only used for visible bands) | | | | =--------Calibration slope (only used for visible bands 1-25) | | | | Blackbody emmissivity (only used for IR bands 26-50) | | | =----------0 => visible band, 1 => thermal infrared band" | | =-------------Number of bits in this channel (8 or 10) | =----------------Spectral band assigned to this channel =------------------------- Channel number (!) Sensor weighted solar spectral irradiance (Watts/meter2/micron) at mean Earth-Sun distance NOTE: Factor in column 10 is used to scale radiances in calibrated data by the following method: value_stored = int( radiance / factor ) for each channel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Title MODIS Airborne Simulator (MAS) Level-1B Data Sensor_ID_Code M5 105 MAS50 ExperimentName Texas-2001 AircraftPlatform NASA ER-2 (806) NavFormatCode Format (A-1) LocationCode Inertial (INU) AltitudeCode Inertial (INU) CalibrationVersion Version 1.0 Calibration CalibrationName Texas-2001_Mar06-Apr20 SRF_Dataset /rarray/calibrat/mas/srf/Mar_01/ SRF_FTP ftp://asapdata/mas/srf/Mar_01/ NavDataSource ER2 navigation recorder NavDataPath /nav/2001/er2/01-061 TbackBand 45, 47, 31, 273.0 GranuleVersion 1.0.0 MetadataVersion 1.0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Conversion from counts to radiance in VIS and NIR channels is rad = (count - (cbb_avg)) * slope "where," rad = radiance cbb_avg = cold black body counts (running average) slope = from column 7 in above table count = count value *********************************** IR Emissivity Correction (for MAS-50) From Chris Moeller (UWisc) *********************************** This is done in 2 steps: 1. Get the (TBACK Band) scan head count and convert it to a brightness temperature 2. Use the scan head temperature and the cold and warm black body counts/temperatures for computing the corrected slope and intercept for all IR bands. (note: set to 1.0 for channels 1-25) MAS/MASTER BB Emissivity Coefficients (MASTER BB's used on MAS Scanner) Hemispherical Reflectance (JPL) 11/15/00 convolved with MAS SRF (ARC) 3/01 Red spot Paint Values in form Band, Wavelength, Emissivity ************************************* For Bands 26 thru 50: 0.96200, 0.96100, 0.96500, 0.96000, 0.95700, 0.95600, 0.95600, 0.95600, 0.95600, 0.95500, 0.95500, 0.95500, 0.95500, 0.95500, 0.95500, 0.95600, 0.96800, 0.96400, 0.96700, 0.96600, 0.96500, 0.96800, 0.96900, 0.96600, 0.96700, ************************************************** --- Config.asc creation date = 25-Sept-2001 Config.asc creation date = 25-Sept-2001